© Reiner Riedler
Curated by Theresa Krenn, Benni Eder, and Lorenzo De Chiffre the exhibition HOLLEIN CALLING opens up new and often surprising perspectives on ostensibly familiar projects. It aims to reveal the multifaceted nature of Hollein’s oeuvre through a selection of work spanning from the small scale of exhibition installations and the Retti and Schullin stores to school buildings and museums.
The exhibition sets Hollein's projects in relation to and correspondence with contemporary practices like:
Almannai Fischer Architekt:innen, Munich
baukuh, Mailand
Bovenbouw Architectuur, Antwerpen
Claudia Cavallar, Wien
Aslı Çiçek, Brüssel
Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, Zürich
doorzon interieur architecten, Gent
Expanded Design, Wien
Martin Feiersinger, Wien
David Kohn Architects, London
Kuehn Malvezzi, Berlin
Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekt:innen, Zürich
Manthey Kula, Oslo
Monadnock, Rotterdam
OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Brüssel