Expanded Design is an office for architecture, urbanism and research in Vienna. The name programmatically stands for an architectural practice that is not satisfied with the design of beautiful spaces, but rather develops research-based questions that open up spaces of possibility for our living together. The focus of our work is on new forms of labour and living.
With research, analysis and experimentation, we make latent questions of a task visible, challenge existing ideas and generate new ones. In the design process, we draw on theoretical and historical knowledge, analyse the context, reveal the implicit and explicit knowledge of organisations and develop solutions in an artistically explorative manner that productively meet the demands of contemporary architecture.
In doing so, we understand architecture as part of social discourses in which it is necessary to intervene and thus change reality for the better for all of us. Thus, Andreas Rumpfhuber's research, texts, books and lectures are part of a specific architectural practice that intervenes in social discourses and at the same time communicates and conveys knowledge.
Andreas Rumpfhuber is an architect and architectural theorist. His work focuses on new forms of work and living. Since 2011 he is single-parent to Ida Ankele (*2011).
Andreas was Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and held guest professorships at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel, the State Academy of the Arts in Stuttgart, and the Vienna University of Technology. Amongst others he was teaching and lecturing at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, TU Vienna, TU Graz, University of Innsbruck, AA School of Architecture, ETH Zurich, KTH Stockholm, CCA Montreal.
Diploma studies in architecture at the TU Graz, Bartlett School of Architecture (London) and SCI-ARC (Los Angeles). 1999 Diploma with distinction; supervised by Joost Meuwissen and Hans Kuppelwieser. PhD scholarship at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. 2009 PhD on "Architecture of Immaterial Labour“ supervised by Juliane Rebentisch (HfG Offenbach) and Henrik Oxvig (Royal Danish Academy). 2005-2008 Center for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College London (Prof. Eyal Weizman). 2015 Civil engineer exam (Ziviltechnikerprüfung).
1990-2000 Andreas worked in architectural offices including Riepl Riepl (Linz), lichtblau.wagner (Vienna), Syzyskowitz Kowalski (Graz), Peter Zinganel (Graz), and between 2001-2005 he was board member of the Austrian Society of Architecture (ÖGFA), and between 2007-2009 board member of the Royal Danish Doctoral Schools of Architecture and Design.
Marek Nowicki holds a BA from the University of Technology Vienna. He has been Student Assistant at the Institute for Urban Design and working on various projects for Feld72.
Since 2011 Team Members have been: Daniela Mehlich, Teresa Klestorfer, Michael Klein, Georg Kolmayr, Christina Nägele, Damaris Casula, Eugenio Lintas, Maria Marjic, Rute Freie